To give you a little background, my husband and I were asked last year to start an Alanon group at our church. At the time I told them that we could not be affiliated with the church, we would have to rent the room etc. Recently an AA meeting was started at the same church, same time as Al-Anon and both non smoking.
This past Sunday the minister of the church approached me with the offer of putting a notice on the scrolling marque in front of the church saying something like Tuesday evening 6:30 pm Al-Anon and AA meetings.
Would this be violating any of the traditions? I've gotten so many different opinions some say it's ok some say it's not. I know we are allowed to put notices in the newspaper's etc but I'm just not sure about this one.
Well,, there may be differences of opinion,, even among humble dcm's,,, but, I (from my own experiences and consultations) agree with Phil, that a simple announcement is not an affiliation.
However,,, you may want to consider this, and bring it to the pastor's awareness. Many people do not want it known that they attend meetings, and so most places do not make such public announcement of meetings. If the sign on the church says "AA meeting tuesdays at 6" I would not want to be seen going into this church at 6. The meetings I go to do not have outward signs , and so most people don't know why I am going into that church at that time.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Yes Amanda...I agree with you 100 in recovery..wishing to keep their reasons for entering a church..a personal thing... ------------------------
The point that I would like to
I did not give an opinion...
There are no differences of opinions between DCMs...that are in service work...
We go by the guidelines...concepts...and traditions...
And its all written black print
It is our job to read and follow it..:)
"LOVE" devoid of self-gratification, is in essence, the will, to the greatest good...of another.
I called the GSO and the WSO to get their opinions and both told me that I would not be violating any of the traditions. As the lady from the GSO said "We are anonymous not invisible".
I don't think there will be a problem with people being seen in the parking lot, our church is very active and there is always something going on there and sometimes more than one at a time.
Thank you all for your time to reply to my message, I do appreciate all everyone had to say. In Recovery Barb
I have no opinion on rather a scrolling marquee in front of a meeting would be attraction rather than promotion.... But I do know many of the folks in my group would not attend. Some would say, if Im walking into a building wed at six, and theres a sign there that says AA meeting wed at six, how does that NOT break my anonymity? Personally, every one in town knows Im in AA, so for me, again, it wouldnt matter. I have no opinion here, just thinking out loud about things I have heard discussed at our meetings. I live in a small town, where some folks are very concerned about their anonymity. Also, every group is to remain autonomys (prolly spelled that wrong) wich meens they can vote on stuff like this. Id bring it up at a group consious meeting and let the group decide.
My warranty on tomorrow has run out. My guarantee on the past is void. Nothing is going my way... and I like it like that.
I would not put it on a scrolling marquee or any other prominent exterior sign that could be seen in a drive by. It's not the same as having it on an inside bulletin board, or a small sign pointing the way on meeting night. The small signs are helpful once you find the place, to know which door/room to walk through. But the billboard just seems out of line to me. It may help bring in some, may drive others away. Personally, I've been to meetings in dozens of towns and I've never seen anything like that. Even the clubhouses / meeting centers have relatively small, discreet signage. The triangle, or a sign with a nondescript name like "West Side Club" or something like that, but nothing visible in a drive-by that says "AA Meeting Here!".
Please keep an open mind - just my opinion I have been to meetings where the meeting room has been changed - same building, different room. The person who opened that night had put a note in the window of the door stating that the "Saturday Night Group is meeting in room upstairs" and if you are a member than you would know what that would mean. I could see a notice placed on a bulletin board but not on the outside. I feel that this matter may dip into tradition eleven - the first part "Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather that promotion. I think a scrolling marque in front of a building is a big promotion. I also agree with what the others have said. Please keep in mind that this is just my opinion at this moment in time. Later - Jeannie
You only live once; but if you work it right, once is enough. There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.