"You silly thing," said Fritz, my eldest son, sharply, "don't you know that we must not settle what God is to do for us? We must have patience and wait His time."-- Johann R. Wyss
The story of the shipwrecked Robinson family is a lesson in patience. It was years before their rescue. They didn't know what their fate would be on the unfamiliar island. Yet they survived every day by working together and keeping strong faith in a Power greater than themselves.
We are certainly far from the adversities faced by that family. But at times we may feel our lives would be better if our Higher Power would do what we wanted. How many times have we prayed as hard as we could for something we felt we needed?
Today might have been one of those days where we felt our prayers weren't answered. But we need to remember our prayers are heard. Now it is up to us to Let Go and Let God.
Have I tried to be in control of my Higher Power today? How can I Let Go and Let God today?
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss
A few months ago, around the time that I joined the forum here, I'd asked you where you found these words of wisdoms. You shared with me your source and I signed up to receive them in my email. I don't always read them, but sometimes, when I do read them, I think someone is really out there in tune with what's going on in my life (that's the idea, right? there is Someone in tune with me and I'm in tune with that HP). Sometimes they are just gentle nudges to meditate on a matter or habit I need to assess. Well, todays message was one of those that falls inline with what's been going on in my head. It's like I'll be working through this "Let go and Let God" concept for a while but I'm not discouraged. Each time I have one of those "a ha!" moments regarding letting go and trusting our HP, I believe I understand just a little better the mindset ("the way") of letting go and having faith. I've been spending way too much time this past week fixating on a romantic interest and wanting him to be just as attracted to me as I am to him. I've been wanting a partner. Sometimes (OK, Often) I'm so frightened I'll never have a life partner. Well, tonight I went about processing the current situation and realizing I needed to let my interest in this person go, even if he invites me to spend more time with him. Why? Because I'm not ready (Yes, Phil, I've read your responses to my posts regarding this matter and yes I can logically accept that it may be some time before I'm ready to be 100% healthy in a 100% healthy relationship, but come on(!) there are some physical and emotional needs that can only be found in the company of the opposite (or same, depending on a person's preference) sex). Then I read this post and it's like 'you know what? My HP totally brought this other person into my life to create an experience I needed to learn from . . . like where I am in my recovery and sense of self-worth . . . now I need to not force the outcome that I want from the situation . . . I need to just let it go and learn . . . Sigh . . . I really do love this place . . . The honesty and openess . . . a balm to my broken heart, and oozing confusion . . . Laura Thank you again, Quetzal, for posting these thoughts daily!