If we had absolute faith in the power of God to keep us from drinking and if we turned our drink problem entirely over to God without reservations, we wouldn't have to do anything more about it. We'd be free from drink once and for all. But since our faith is apt to be weak, we have to strengthen and build up this faith. We do this in several ways. One way is by going to meetings and listening to others tell how they have found all the strength they need to overcome drink. Is my faith being strengthened by this personal witness of other alcoholics?
Meditation for the Day ~
It is the quality of my life that determines its value. In order to judge the value of a person's life, we must set up a standard. The most valueable life is one of honesty, purity, unselfishness, and love. All people's lives ought to be judged by this standard in determining their value to the world. By this standard, most of the so-called heroes of history were not great men. "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world, if he loseth his own soul?"
Prayer for the Day ~
I pray that I may be honest, pure, unselfish, and loving. I pray that I may make the quality of my life good by these standards.
(Let it be a God or Higher Power of your own understanding) Danielle x
Progress not perfection.. & Practice makes Progress!
Well noticed for its simplicity, Phil. It being easy? Well, that's different & where the ego comes into its own. The ego itself being a simple creature doesn't know the turmoil it can put us in & our only protection, like a cloak for invisibility is humility. When we get down small & let the ego pass, it doesn't see us & this seems to be God's or our HP's way.. To let go & let God. I'm really trying my best to understand what this means & how it manifests itself inside our actions & consequences of even inaction. Humility. Humility. Humility. Doing not doing. Difficult stuff which seems to be why we need prayer. It helps me & I've still a long way to go.
Please God, grant me the ability to forgive myself for I need that strength to forgive others. Allow me my mistakes as I learn that I may not bear grudges to those who've erred in the past, especially to my detriment. They knew not what they did & did the best they could with what they had, as indeed I have done. Please God allow me the gentleness to allow these things to pass that I may live in the present & be kind to those I may serve. Thank you for gracing me with the ability to be useful that we may create better times for our future. Amen x
Thanks for your reply Phil & offering me the opportunity to pray for the things I need too. Thanks for sharing. Danielle x
Progress not perfection.. & Practice makes Progress!